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A Stumble Is Not a Fall

A Stumble Is Not a Fall

It has now been over 5 weeks since I spent a day at the movies, where I learned so many leadership lessons, I am not finished reporting on them. I told my wife at the time it was one of the least expensive leadership conferences I have ever attended.

As with any conference, the key is to keep examining what you have learned, teaching it to others, and growing in your understanding and practice. At the end of the day, the most important part of a conference is the follow through.

Last week, I stumbled and didn’t begin the second series of articles from my day as scheduled. However, I did get a different lesson sent to me in the midst of it, that was not new, but a good reminder. I will share it today, then return to my series from the movies.

The lesson is don’t do it twice. My brother, who is also my coach, friend, and partner sent me a video from Matt D’Avella on Youtube called “The Two-Day Rule.” In it, Matt shares insights from making a rule in his life to not miss two days of workouts in a row. He shares how this one rule has changed his life as a keystone habit. He also shares that he hasn’t been perfect, but by keeping the rule he has become and continues to live at the peak of physical health. Finally, he shares that sometimes this rule was kept by just getting to the gym to do something.

Here are the lessons for all of us:

Keep it simple

If there is a change you need to make in your life, start with a clear repeatable rule that is easy to understand and follow. Do not over think your rule, keep it simple. You can add rules later.

Don’t insist on perfection

I know some of you, whose personality hates to miss a box, are cringing, but perfection is rare, if not impossible. Making excellent the goal. Don’t let perfection, or the lack of it, derail a good thing. The Pareto principal applies to most choices in life. Eighty percent is good enough to change your life. If you hit more, then great.

A stumble is not a fall

Currently this is the principle I will lean on. I didn’t get my article out last week. I will not stop writing, because I lost a week. Don’t let one misstep take you down a hole in life. Your life is longer than you realize, and getting back up is the real work of the greatest among us. Play the next play, take the new step again. Keep pressing on.

See you next week, as we dive into Toy Story 4.

Personal Growth Lessons from Toy Story 4

Personal Growth Lessons from Toy Story 4

Leadership Lessons From the Lion King Part 3

Leadership Lessons From the Lion King Part 3