7 Daily Choices

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3 Reasons to Host a Marriage Conference in the Fall

Holidays are stressful

 With the merging of traditions, expectations, and families, the winter holiday season can be very difficult for couples to navigate, especially if they are already in turmoil.

Taking a moment to prepare your people before the conflicts arise and giving them the tools and stability of relationship helps make the season better.

A marriage conference is a great outreach

 Better Marriages are something our communities need. The statistics prove again and again that better marriages make better communities, offering this opportunity to your neighborhood is a great way to show the love of Jesus.

 Boomers, X-ers, and Millennials need marriage help, and Millennials, in particular, are eager to get input.

After your back to church push, an invitation to a better marriage is a fantastic follow-up for families in your neighborhood.

The New Year is too late

 “January is the number one month for divorce.” and “The week of January 12-16 has the highest rate of divorce filings annually.”  According to a law firm report. (https://doyledivorcelaw.com/time-year-divorces-happen/)

 Before the New Year’s fireworks have ended, many people have already decided the flame of their relationship has burned out. Bad holidays and vacations spike the year with divorces in March and August, but they file in January.

 When you offer godly input before year’s end, you give the opportunity to keep cracked homes from becoming broken.

At 7 Daily Choices we are looking for 14 Churches to host 30 or more couples in a 7 Daily Choices Marriage Conference. We do all we can to keep costs low for the church. If you would like more information for your church to host a marriage conference, email us at support@7DailyChoices.com or click here.